Saturday, November 3, 2007

That's lyke, so heartbreaking.

"Because I am in the public eye I feel the need to be a voice of worthy and
important causes whose efforts impact the lives of every person on Earth.
These animals are being brutally and unnecessarily slaughtered – and who
are we to say to they have less of a right to exist than we do.”

A statement released by Heroes star Hayden Panettiere concerning this yes, sad situation in Japan. Sad... because of course we feel bad for the dolphins, but being the stupid humans we are, really seem to only care because they're larger, and cuter than other fish that are communities' livelihoods.

Sad... but, you know, call me heartless, I think this is sadder. And this.
And this...
and this...
and this...
and this...

Update: Yes, retards. I know Dolphins are mammals.
You're really saying they're the same as innocent women who were raped in Darfur? That is just wrong in so many ways.


Anonymous said...

They're, lyke, not fish, Rebekah. They're, lyke, mammals, you know, lyke us. UR clueless

MJ said...

No, anonymous, dolphins are not like us. Mammals they are, but people they are not.
Pehaps if you knew how to spell "you're" you would've noticed when she said
"concerning this yes, sad situation in Japan."

Because she pointed out that there are more important things in the world than dolphins, you feel the need to belittle her like an immature child? And did you not even notice the intented sarcasm in the use of the word "lyke"?

Rebekah said...

Anonymous, I know they're mammals...
I ALSO know they're not equal, to say, the people in darfur.

JB said...

I agree that we shouldn't lose sight of the really big issues, but that doesn't negate the validity of the slightly smaller ones. SOMEONE needs to say, "enough people are fighting for A and B, I'll take C" - because no one can actually take on every cause they'd like to. Even indestructible cheerleaders need to pick their battles.

Rebekah said...

I need to take what I said in this post back because I recently read about some of her other humanitarian causes she supports.

I don't know... I just think it's just, silly, to focus on something like that(and break other countries' laws in the process) while so many other worthy causes are out there.