Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A boring truth

... Maybe I should call this blog that. But no, I'm talking about what happened today. It was a pretty normal day. We had our first test in American History, and it was pretty easy, besides the fact that my handwriting majorly sucks (hey I always type!) and it took me like twice as long to write out the vocabulary part. But besides that it went well.
Our other classes also went well, though I admit I'm a little lost in Algebra - but oh well. The online helps will solve that =)
After class we got ice cream in the student center. How lucky we were that "An Inconvenient Truth" was playing at that very time! ^_^ OK ok it wasn't so bad. Especially since no one was there. Six - count 'em - people were there watching it, including the two sponsors. Hehehe.
But, now that I think of it, I guess it wasn't politics... the thought of 2 hours watching Al Gore speak is pretty scary...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

My first speech...

So, I'm not going to bore you with a rundown of my whole day. I mean, lots of people go to college. ^_^ So anyway, we had our first speech today. I announced that I was a homeschooler, but no one seemed to care. =) On a lower note, I had to sit through Mr. Clark talking about Margaret Sanger and what a pioneer she was (In a dream world I would've spoken up and said "She was a pioneer for Hitler's ideas too, considering she wanted to sterilize black women and kill children if there were already too many kids in the family!" But this isn't a dream world.)
And... he is for open borders. Another thing I just sat there for.
Aaaaanyway... I don't have anything interesting or random or funny to post. Very tired...

Oh yeah. I had to carry a basketball around half the day because it was my prop for public speaking, and ppl kept thinking I played for the basketball team. Which is funny. Do I look like an athlete? I ask myself. Ah, anyway, maybe next time I'll carry a hockey stick. ^_^


Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I really should be in bed, since I have class Thursday. :S But anyway, I have a speech coming up - my first in public speaking, it's a "self-introduction." Hmmm... Should be interesting. I just hope I don't come off as a cocky teenybopper (is that a word?) because when I'm nervous I tend to smile. Like way too much. But anyway.
Our public speaking class is very good, especially our teacher. "Miss. M", a soft-spoken black lady who I've heard was tough, witchy, and high strung, is tough but very nice. And a good teacher.
So anyway, I'm rambling a bit. It is 11:00. I should go to bed. Darn.

Cold wind, heavy books and rambling professors

Like the title? I spent a lot of time on that, you better :P

Considering I haven't spent much time telling you about the actual school, I figured now would be a good time to rewind to my first day of semester classes. Or more accurately, my first day in class, ever. No pressure, eh?

Well, nervousness was a flattering term for the way my stomach felt pulling into the parking lot that first day. Naturally, we had overestimated and got there 30 minutes early. (Yes, we. I'll tell you about my twin sister later.)

Knees were knocking, hands were shaking, hearts were pounding... I'm sure we looked quite interesting to the other students as they ambled to class.

We walked in - after nearly not finding our room number, of course - to a stark white room filled with about thirty desks, five or so early arrivals, and a bald, older professor. Dr. Clark (of course that's not his real name, I'm not a total idiot ^^) was pacing in front and chatting with students while writing the agenda for the class.

We were a bit mistaken, however, in that we innocent, unjaded, wide-eyed homeschoolers had actually expected to learn American History, not "whatever Dr. Clark has in mind, forget the agenda."

Alas, his bumper stickers posted on the wall and in-class comments soon proved him to be one of those dreaded "liberal professors", though he wasn't nearly as fearsome as expected.
I mean, you didn't really have to listen anyway, and he was a rather nice old chap, notwithstanding the "we are in Iraq for oil" offhand comment he made. Oh well.

By the end of that class, the butterflies had calmed down considerably, and more pressing matters became how to pay attention and more importantly, stay awake.

I know I'm getting boring, so I'll stop writing now. Perhaps an abridged version of the next classes is coming up next. =)

    My thesis statement

    OK, I am almost finished with my speech (My first ever in my public speaking class :S), so I have a few minutes to tell you about myself and my blog.

    So, to start with, I'm homeschooled. Have been my whole life.
    Two weeks ago I started dual-enrolling at my local Junior College.

    I don't know what makes me think you, the strangers of internet lala land, want to read about my life but heck, might as well waste some time.

    So - *cue crescendo music* - in this blog, I will tell you about me and my impression of college; from the viewpoint of someone who's never been inside a classroom. Whether or not it's interesting is up to you =)


    So I've just spent thirty minutes trying to set this darn thing up which leaves me no time for posting.

    Seems my thesis statement will have to wait ^^ so I guess I'll just dive in.

    This is my blog. Not yours. Leave gross, immature, rude or random comments; you're outta here. I know it's hard for ppl online, but at least try not to make everything you say sound like a twelve year-old boy in a locker room.

    Oh yeah. And I am private because I like being private. Don't try to get personal information, I promise it's not that interesting.

    Would be much appreciated. =)