Thursday, February 7, 2008


So, some of you who still read my blog -- perhaps all 4 of you ;] -- may think I'm slightly bipolar.

In truth, my political beliefs HAVE changed quite a bit over the past few months. I used to be a total Bushite - a very unquestioning "patriot" who would take up for anything her government did. In fact, reading over some of my posts, I can remember sitting down to write thinking How do I take up for Bush here?

Today, I'm very different. I've lost my trust and respect for leaders and their broken promises. I've also lost my desire not to criticize power. Some of you may think I'm going through a "Liberal stage" or have just lost my core values.

But in truth, my political idealogy remains the same; I've just changed the way I trust my leaders to carry it out. I've been sorely disappointed in the Bush Administration and their unfulfilled promises on just about everything. I've further researched a few issues I used to shrug off. And I've realized that no matter what happens, the Constitution should never be out of date.

I hope I can still continue posting and have an active blog and catch up with you, my dear blog friends who I've disappeared from talking to in forever ;] I hope you who used to agree with me can look past the changes in my political idealogy (or perhaps, drivel.) and rationally discuss these things.

To question is patriotic; to rebel, American; to think freely the mark of true liberty.