Sunday, November 4, 2007

Golly gee, Fox News is just so professional

Let's play pick the mistake from the tabloid news site!

Oh wait.

I'm Conservative.

I'm not allowed to speak against Fox.


Avril is (about as) edgy (as a dull butterknife.)

Postscript: Yes I linked US Magazine.
Get over it.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

That's lyke, so heartbreaking.

"Because I am in the public eye I feel the need to be a voice of worthy and
important causes whose efforts impact the lives of every person on Earth.
These animals are being brutally and unnecessarily slaughtered – and who
are we to say to they have less of a right to exist than we do.”

A statement released by Heroes star Hayden Panettiere concerning this yes, sad situation in Japan. Sad... because of course we feel bad for the dolphins, but being the stupid humans we are, really seem to only care because they're larger, and cuter than other fish that are communities' livelihoods.

Sad... but, you know, call me heartless, I think this is sadder. And this.
And this...
and this...
and this...
and this...

Update: Yes, retards. I know Dolphins are mammals.
You're really saying they're the same as innocent women who were raped in Darfur? That is just wrong in so many ways.