Monday, January 7, 2008

A question for you

Wow, my previous posts sounded rather bitter, did they not? xP Fear not. It was supposed to be an attempt at humor... but no matter.
I am back again with a question for you guys. Or rather, a topic to further discuss. There was one comment (thank you JB! ^^) on my last post when I first brought it up, but I want to know what you think of.

--Ron Paul.--

Thoughts? Opinions? Good or bad?

My opinion:
Winston Churchill once said that enemies are a sign of doing something right and standing up for something, and if that applies anywhere, I certainly think it does to Dr. Paul. When I first heard of him, I didn't really take note. He seemed, to me, like one of those RINOs. On further research (and I can't leave out the fact that I live on youtube as a factor in swaying my growing opinion) he began to be the one who made everyone else look like Republicans In Name Only.
I don't agree with him on everything, and frankly, I think it would be foolish to do such for any candidate. But what I DO agree with him on far outweighs what I disagree with him on. I admire his willingness to stand up for what he believes in and speak like a normal person and not a politician. He has been very consistent with his views, and that's saying more than you can about any other Republican or Democrat running.
His policies are often deemed "anti-American," but that's nothing more than hype and propoganda. Have we really gotten to the age in this country where one can't even question what America does without being labeled a traitor? Yes, I love my country! But I also accept that it can do wrong. If we don't accept that, we have nowhere to go but downhill.
I don't have time or energy to go into every political position of Ron Paul's and defend it. If you're reading this, go to Youtube and search Ron Paul. And I'll be happy to debate in comments as well.

I for one am sick and tired of seeing the one genuine candidate being trashed without a fair shot. Wake up America! Ron Paul 2008!


Nightcrawler said...

Rebekah I'm not so sure that there is a definition of Republican anymore. They are a party without an identitiy because they've become too "big tent". They're like a runaway beer truck, things went great as long as the road was smooth but when it got bumpy, they went out of control and then crashed and burned.

We (Republicans) need someone with a broader base of appeal and more sound ideas than Ron Paul has to unite the party. Unfortunately, I don't know if such an animal exists right now.

Anonymous said...

What about Ron Paul's position on the Iraq War? And his position on drug legalization?

Rebekah said...

Okay I'll answer y'all one at a time :]
Nightcrawler, sadly I think you may be right. Perhaps though, instead of a big tent they are just traitors. XD
Well, I disagree with you on that. Ron Paul has a very broad appeal; trust me, I've been involved in the local meetup and have seen it firsthand. But his ideas are traditional Republican too! He's never voted to raise taxes, never voted in favor of abortion, never taken a Government-paid junket, never voted to take away 2nd amendment rights, & never voted for Federal vs. State power.

Ben, I actually agree with him there. I think you should fully research those positions and see WHY he has them. I was a war-hawk for way too long before I got to the point where I could no longer justify something that had no logic behind it; only emotional appeals. Are we to invade every country that deserves it? Shall we start with our allies or no? Maybe the dictators we propped up?