Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Absolutely unbelievable

Saudi Kidnap, Rape Victim Sentenced To 90 Lashes For "Crime" Of Being Alone With Unrelated Man
A 19-year-old Saudi woman who was kidnapped, beaten and gang raped by seven men who then took photos of their victim and threatened to kill her, was sentenced under the country's Islamic-based law to 90 lashes for the "crime" of being alone with a man not related to her.

This is just more proof (as if we needed it) that Extreme Islam is an unacceptable system stuck in the dark ages. Why, why, do Liberals,who consider someone at Harvard suggesting that there are Gender differences a horrid crime, take up for this kind of system? Why is Bush all cozy with the Saudi Royal family when this kind of stuff happens all the time and the Royal family doesn't show any indication of trying to change it? Why does America not see what's right in front of them?

And why in the living heck is Captain America's death front page news instead of this?!


giantcu92 said...

That is a horrible story indeed. Bush and his family have always been tight with the Saudi Arabian family, and I suspect always will be. Not to mention that the worst terrorist act carried out on American soil was perpetrated by Saudi Arabians (mostly), and planned by a Saudi, who we financially supported in the past during the Afghanistan wars against the Soviet Union. Check out the book Ghost Wars if you get a chance. Lots of good information in there, I think you would enjoy.

JB said...

As I understand it, the story is that people with superpowers are suddenly being required to reveal themselves(think X-Men's "Mutant Registration Act), and Captain America's against it and refuses. This is being portrayed (though whether by the media or the comic's authors I'm unsure) as a parallel to the Patriot Act, and therefore the MSM loves it. I saw it on the "CNN Student News" we watch over at the junior high where I'm doing some practicum days this semester. It scares me, the slant in that programming that a trained eye can pick up but most ninth-graders won't. The propaganda artists are clever bastards.

Nightcrawler said...

My dear, this sort of thing is par for the course in the Middle East. Ghastly and despicable, true, but you'll find no shortage of these stories if you look. Be glad that you're in America.

Cuban_Patriot said...

R They live in the dark ages, they have since we stopped them from Taking the rest of Christendom during the crusades. There is no reasoning with them as a whole and they just dont think like we do.