Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A boring truth

... Maybe I should call this blog that. But no, I'm talking about what happened today. It was a pretty normal day. We had our first test in American History, and it was pretty easy, besides the fact that my handwriting majorly sucks (hey I always type!) and it took me like twice as long to write out the vocabulary part. But besides that it went well.
Our other classes also went well, though I admit I'm a little lost in Algebra - but oh well. The online helps will solve that =)
After class we got ice cream in the student center. How lucky we were that "An Inconvenient Truth" was playing at that very time! ^_^ OK ok it wasn't so bad. Especially since no one was there. Six - count 'em - people were there watching it, including the two sponsors. Hehehe.
But, now that I think of it, I guess it wasn't politics... the thought of 2 hours watching Al Gore speak is pretty scary...

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