Thursday, February 1, 2007


Ay, vey I'm tired. (And yes, I'm aware I probably misspelled that.)
Well, it rained all day today, or to clarify, mostly just while we were walking to classes. My hair got real interesting let me tell you.

So yeah. I had diet coke for lunch, which was not good, considering algebra followed lunch and there are no locatable restrooms in the whole, entire math building. Yes I know, I prowled around the rooms once and almost got lost ... but anyway. That was like, way too much information. I must be sleepy.

Oh yeah, got a 97 on my history test. Yay!


JB said...

Hey - like the new blog! I wrote a similar one during my year of hell in the Ivy League - "Cornell Cowboy", about the exploits of a Western ruralite surrounded by thousands of hippie New Yorkers.

It's too bad about that history prof; they can be the worst, and as a future history teacher I feel eminently qualified to say that! I had a Wyoming history professor a few semesters ago who not only basically hated Wyoming (suggesting that cowboys and equality were diametrically opposed, for one), but during the section of the course on the US and Wyoming constitutions, gave an exam in which half the questions contained an overt reference to how terrible Bush is.

Interestingly, one of the best professors I've ever had was in my US military history course - he was an Army major with ten years experience in the Special Forces and another twelve as a teacher, and presented his information without a single trace of the diatribe that fills many college classrooms.

In any case, welcome to the hallowed halls of secondary education. To paraphrase John Diefenbaker, for the first few months, you'll wonder how you got here; after that, you'll wonder how everyone else did.

Rick's Corner said...

Nice to see your new blog.


Gayle said...

Welcome back, College Girl! :)

I'll redo your link. I'm glad you made a 97 on your test. Keep up the good work. By the way, you are attending your first year of college the same time as my daughter Jessica.

Rebekah said...

Hey guys, glad to see you here XD

TY, JB, good to be here! :D Yeah, I wish more teachers could just, you know, teach. lol

Rick, thanks :)

Thanks Gayle! Congrats to your daughter as well :)